Shifts 2024
Trend shifts and evolution
Vision 2024 has four drivers of change; below, you can see how the worldwide cultural, technological, economic and social shifts have evolved from year to year.
1/New Age of Humanism
How trends evolve: Universal Healing of Vision 2023 is about the post-pandemic period; although the pandemic is not over, there could be new variants of the Covid-19 Virus. Many people experienced feelings of loneliness and loss because of the pandemic. Recovery would take some time. Vision 2024's New Age of Humanism shows that uncertainty is here to stay, and we need to let go of our security. Spirituality grows in this story, technology and the focus on the self remain the same, and connection with the other becomes more important. A sense of control is growing as the connection to our inner values can bring clearness and decisiveness.
Connection to others
Maslow placed social ties in the third place of the pyramid, but people are social creatures. More current research shows that it might be a more fundamental need for humans. When people are part of a close-knit community, they have a safety net which becomes increasingly important.
Beliefs have shifted, but faith still serves as a strong foundation for humanity. In times of trouble, more people lean on their faith in a higher power. Spirituality is different from religion and is often more personal. Also, spirituality and the focus on people's inner world become increasingly important for businesses.
To live well
How to live is a question that many people struggle with. Living well is living in harmony with everything around you and nature. People search for the meaning of life. Understanding the reasons why we are here gives our existence meaning.
Joy in life
To increase joy in life, reason and intuition need to be balanced and practising creative projects, such as making art and music, can help. Science, art, literature and music are the foundation for the future, and the true joy in life often comes from its randomness, chaos and unpredictability.
2/The Stack
How trends evolve: Empowerment, identified for 2023, shines a light on marginalised people around the globe. Everyone has their own story; it is essential to listen and to understand other people. Vision 2024's The Stack is about building the pillars of society. The divisions within society have increased over the past years and inequality has grown. Problems are stacking up, causing an imbalance in society. Companies and also individuals also have a role to play in creating greater stability. All lines are going up: social, the influence of young people, technology and the Influence of climate change. Only the globalization line goes down as the tendency is towards local.
Local differences
Due to changing demographics, the middle class is disappearing in Western societies, but this group is growing in Asia. The middle-income workforce can be seen as the glue in society, and social cohesion is an essential driver of long-term prosperity. Also, chronic youthfulness in Africa and an ageing population in most western societies will change the workforce.
A broken system
Seeing the unseen and recognizing a broken system is the only way forward. Homeless people, poverty, mental health issues, and lack of access to affordable housing are the challenges that need addressing. Quality education is the most significant chance for closing the income gap. There is also still a long way to go towards gender equality.
The foundation of trust
Trust is about safety, and high levels of integrity and competence build trust. That is why it is so important that institutions are reliable. When people feel safe and supported, it is easier to engage. In volatile, uncertain times, psychological safety and trust are not just important but essential.
Cultural awareness
More people in society have backgrounds in more than one cultural group, and they can develop identities that reflect and even combine more than one source, a multiplicity of cultures. We think we are global citizens, but our worldview is limited. Cultural awareness helps to break down cultural barriers, build bridges, and learn to love and appreciate those different from us. The better we understand ourselves, the better we can deal with other people and cultural differences.
3/Climate Care
How trends evolve: Nature First for 2023 was a shift to nature's priorities, giving elements in nature such as rivers a legal status to think in larger timeframes and future generations. Vision 2024's Climate care is about resilience and preparing for a changing world due to climate change. Although it is the era of adaptation and preparation, lifestyle choices are still critical, and the focus is on how to improve the supply chain. If we look at the lines, the effects of climate change, lifestyle changes, technology and knowledge all rise rapidly.
Remaking our world needs systemic change, pro-active resilience and future thinking. Also, our economies, societies and businesses need to become more resilient against climate impacts, which can be done by moving to a local circular economy. Change may seem slow, but it takes time for innovations to scale up.
Climate Beneficial
To become a planetary society, we need to ensure we do not have a footprint at all. It is still achievable to reach the 1,5 degrees goal. Ninety per cent of a company's impact occurs in the supply chain. A no footprint strategy requires bold and immediate action, especially in the supply chain, and a reinvention of the established industrial model.
The Adaptation Era
Climate change is here right now; we can see it in higher temperatures, sea-level rises and extreme weather events. More sensitivity is needed in understanding how all life and well-being are dependent on the forces of nature. Climate risk is an existential question, and we need to start preparing.
Changes in Work
Climate change will affect jobs worldwide and lead to more and better jobs. Economies will become more local with micro-factories, and businesses will move towards a decentralised model. Gen Z is the most concerned about climate change and seeks jobs that will actively contribute to averting climate collapse.
4/Digital Worlds
How trends evolve: Decentralised World for 2023 imagines the next phase of the digital domain as many developments such as Blockchain and a faster connection come together. We move to the web 3.0 era that will become a truly immersive experience. Digital Worlds of Vision 2024 shows that about 65% of economic growth in large economies will be related to new digital technologies. Therefore, it is crucial to strengthen the digital infrastructure's foundation and think of what new technology does solve. There is an opportunity to build digital worlds such as the metaverse to empower people. All lines rise, Ai and Creativity in a steep way.
Criticism about the influence of technology on societies and our dependence is growing, and the calling for decentralised identity. Technological development is ongoing, but technology does not solve problems; it is people who develop it and can shape it.
The Internet has evolved in 30 years from a simple website and a slow internet connection, and now, millions of users participate in virtual worlds. Developing things is all about engagement; people will go where the real value is for them.
The Speed of Technology
Innovation and entrepreneurship in the digital domain determine how prosperous a country will be in the coming decades. China, Saudi Arabia, and Brazil are the top three digital risers in the G20. Moore’s law is expected to end around 2025, but quantum computing will expand computing potential beyond the limits of Moore’s law. The field is still developing, but companies need to start preparing.
City Systems
Technology should focus on solving the major issues facing our world. Building better cities and energy systems are what we need. A smart city is a data-driven approach toward future proof systems and innovations; with this approach, the city will be utilized differently.
Digital Design
Digital design connects developers and creators in live operations with real-time interactions. Every design element is adaptive, a design can be tested by working with digital twins. Digital design can be connected to the factory, which makes production faster. The physical must keep up with the advances of the digital. Worldbuilding aspects of the digital can be inspiring for fair, equal and safe spaces.